Every year, IAS takes people on travel adventures to visit archaeological sites that are far away. One program takes people to Hawaii, and in 2015, we again partnered with Portland Community College to offer an adventure through their Community Education program. Below are images of some of the sites we visited, on the islands of Oahu and Hawai’i Island. Another opportunity will be next February, with sign-ups beginning in early September. Use the contact form on this website to enroll early.
On Oahu, journeying north, we visited a heiau dedicated to the God of Agriculture, but also used by King Kamehameha.
The park interpreters then took us to other areas, one of a village and the other a specialized botanical garden. They graciously allowed us access to these special areas, identifying significant resources for us.
Reminders of the ancient past were everywhere, in both established parks and near roadways.
Moving to the Big Island, we then enjoyed a self guided tour of several very special areas, including the City of Refuge. We also visited battlefields and old village sites.
The National Park Service at Pu’ukohola, a National Historic Site, gave a personalized talk about the site, including the archaeology. Many of their interpretive displays were “hands-on”, including woven sandals and board games.
On both islands, unrestored as well preserved sites were accessible to our group. Can’t wait for next year!