Category Archives: Events



In July, a limited number of people with an interest in the Ice Age animals of the Willamette Valley will have an opportunity to work with archaeologists and paleontologists. Participants will have an opportunity to try both field and laboratory work.  The planned site is in Woodburn, where giant ground sloths with 6” (15 cm) claws, and the remains of a 12,000 year old predator bird the size of a van, have been documented. Ancient horses, camels, and giant bison have also been excavated there.

This opportunity will be offered through the Institute for Archaeological Studies. A $20.00 per person donation is hoped for, but not mandatory. No children, please.

In August,  through Portland Community College, the partial remains of other extinct giant animals (megafauna) may also be excavated.  This will be at a second site, about one mile from the July excavation. Here, we anticipate locating part of a herd of extinct giant bison (Bison antiquus), and starting their excavation. As we work down to the depths of these extinct animals, we may locate and document evidence of a past human presence, in the form of stone flakes that were produced during the times that these ancient creatures lived in the Valley, and naturally shed human hair from the same time period.  This opportunity is offered through Portland Community College. The class always fills quickly, so if you are interested, please contact PCC as soon as enrollment opens, to be added to the list.

These are different parts of the same sites we tested last summer, and some photos are posted on this website.

Ice Age People of the Americas and Oregon’s Ancient History

Date: 01/16/2015
Time: 09:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Multnomah Athletic Club

Description: Most of us were taught that humans migrated into the Americas at the very end of the last Ice Age, or approximately 11,000-10,000 years ago. The Bering Land Bridge was their single entry point. The story continues that people traveled down an ice free corridor, dispersed throughout North and then South America, and that they came on foot. As it turns out, however, none of this is accurate! In fact, archaeological evidence tells a very different story. Who were these ancient people? Where did they come from, what types of environments did they encounter, and what do we know about Oregon’s ancient people? Presented by Dr. Alison Stenger, Director of Research with the Institute for Archaeological Studies.

If you have questions about this event or registration, please contact Member Events at 503-517-7265 or

Paths Across the Pacific

SITKA – 2013

If you have an interest in archaeology or anthropology, make it a point to keep track of the papers from this conference. Speakers included Stephen Jett, Don Ryan, the now famous son of Thor Heyerdahl, himself a fine researcher, and Betty Meggers of the Smithsonian Institution.  Please go to the Paths website for further information and abstracts.

Pre-Clovis in the Americas – Professional Participation Only, Please

Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. – November 2012

Below is some preliminary information on this invitational meeting, including names of some of the participants and some preliminary titles.  PLEASE CHECK BACK. We are just now updating this section.

Adovasio, Jim
Director, Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute, Erie, Pennsylvania
Abstract: Plant Fiber Technologies and the Initial Colonization of the New World
Abstract: Meadowcroft Rockshelter: Retrospect 2012

Agenbroad, Larry
Principal Investigator, Mammoth Site, Hot Springs, South Dakota

 Araujo, Astolfo
Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology
University of São Paulo, Brazil
Abstract: The Archaeological Record of Eastern South America and its Implications on the Clovis / Pre-Clovis Debate

 Aubry, Thierry
Instituto Portugués de Archaeologia, Vila Nova de Foz Coa, Portugal

 Bradley, Bruce

University of Exeter
Abstract: Older Than Clovis Bifacial Technologies of Eastern North America

Chatters, Jim
AMEC Earth and Environmental, Inc., Bthell, Washington

Clark, Jorie
College of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Sciences,
Oregon State University, Corvallis, OregonAbstract: Regional Variability in Deglacial Sea-Level Rise Across the Western U.S. Continental Shelf: Implications for the Archaeological Record

Collins, Mike
Gault School of Archaeological ResearchAbstract: Older-than-Clovis Components at Gault in a Western Hemispheric Perspective

Dillehay, Tom
Distinguished Professor in the Department of Anthropology
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee
Professor Extraordinaire and Honorary Doctorate at the Universidad Austral de Chile

Harris, John
Chief Curator,  George C. Page Museum, Los Angeles, Ca.

Hemmings, Andy
Research Professor of Anthropology / Archaeology University of Texas
Abstract: Drowned Paleoindian Sites in the Gulf of Mexico

Holen, Stephen / Holen, Kathleen
Denver Museum of Nature & Science
Abstract: Percussion Technology in the Americas: Evidence from Bone  Assemblages Utilized by Pleistocene Humans

Lieb, Trudy

Lowery, Darrin
Department of Anthropology, Smithsonian Institution, Museum of Natural History, Washington, DC 20013
Department of Geography, University of Delaware
Abstract: Pedologic and Geologic Protocols for Understanding the Archaeology of Exploration: A Middle Atlantic Pre-Clovis Case Study

Parrott, Colby

Pettitt, Paul
Reader in Palaeolithic Archaeology The University of Sheffield Sheffield, United Kindgom

Rice, David
Tkwinit Twati Anthropological Services
Abstract: Origin and Antiquity of a Western North American Stemmed Point Tradition:  A Pre-Clovis Perspective

Schneider, Alan
Conference Co-chair Institute for Archaeological Studies

Stanford, Dennis
Chairman, Department of Anthropology
Smithsonian Institution
Abstract: 5 Pre-Clovis Sites

Stenger, Alison
Conference Co-chair
Institute for Archaeological Studies Portland, Oregon
Abstract: Characterizing Pre-Clovis Sites, Material Culture, and Origins

Suarez, Rafael
Departamento Arqueología Universidad de la República, Montevideo, Uruguay and Museo de Arqueología y Ciencias Naturales (Salto)
Abstract: Early Paleoamerican Pre-Fishtail settlement in the South Cone: Evaluation and discussion of the evidence

Tallman, Donna


Wagner, Dan
Geo-Sci Consultants University Park, Maryland
Abstract: Why Cactus Hill


Wah, John
Matapeake Soil and Environmental Consultants, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
Abstract: Pedologic and Geologic Protocols for Understanding the Archaeology of Exploration: A Middle Atlantic Pre-Clovis Case Study


Waters, Mike
Professor, Departments of Anthropology and Geography
Director, Center for the Study of the First Americans
Executive Director, North Star Archaeological Research Program Texas A&M University
Abstract: In Search of the First Americans – What the Friedkin Site, Texas, and Manis Site, Washington Tell us About the First Americans

Wernecke, Clark
Gault School of Archaeological Research
Abstract: Older-than-Clovis Components at Gault in a Western Hemispheric Perspective

Willerslev, Eske
Director, Centre of Excellence in GeoGenetics and the National CryoBank and Sequencing Facility Professor, National History Museum and the Biological Institute, University of Copenhagen Visiting Professor at Oxford University

Peopling of the Americas: Who Came First & How Does Oregon Fit In

DATE: April 13, 2011
TIME: 10:30 – 11:30am
PRESENTER: Alison T. Stenger, Ph.D.

We learned in school that the America’s were populated by Asians who walked over the Bering Land Bridge. Science, however, has very strong evidence to the contrary. Who, then, were the very first Americans? How did they get here, did they actually come to Oregon, and what is the relationship between these early people and the megafauna with which they shared the Environment?  Alison Stenger, is an archaeologist, author, and the Director of Research for the Institute for Archaeological Studies in Portland.

LOCATION:   OASIS Large Classroom

C/o Macy’s, 4th Floor
621 S.W. Fifth Avenue
Portland OR 97204

Phone: (503) 241-3059
Fax: (503) 241-3068