Articles and Research

The following articles and research papers are provided for your use.  More will be added soon. Please share with others and cite the appropriate sources.

A remarkable number of well preserved Ice Age bird bones have been excavated from an area just 30 miles south of Portland.  Eleven species, including four that were previously considered out of range, are represented.  Two of those species are now extinct.   The paper, “Preliminary Survey of Pleistocene Avifauna in Oregon’s Willamette Valley: Unexpected Findings and Expanded Ranges” discusses this assemblage of bird material.   A brief mention  of cultural material is included.

Click here to access the paper online.

What fun to compare the data from one site with that from another.

Photo provided by Mark Fitzsimmons

Colleagues from around the world share data with us, and we are happy to reciprocate. Researchers of note include Andrei Tabarev, Tom Gilbert, Eske Willserslev, Steve Jett, Betty Meggers, Priscilla Wegars, and others whose work will be included in this website.  Please look them up online in the interim!

Image courtesy of Dr. Reid Bryson and CCR.

Was the Land Bridge a viable route for the earliest peopling of the Americas? Not according to experts such as Dr. Betty Meggers and Dr. Reid Bryson.

Article:  Read about the relationship between archaeology and old or ancient climate data for the Salem, Oregon area: 

web3PaleoXSalem  All of the information was ground truthed”, through excavations and laboratory analysis.

This article was originally published in Screenings, a publication of the Oregon Archaeological Society.

If you have an interest in Russia, Japan, and MesoAmerican archaeology, be aware of work by Andrei Tabarev, Head of the Division of Foreign Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography, Novosibirsk, Russia.

Information on Dr. Tabarev can be found at the Institute, or at Andrei Tabarev.doc

In the 16th C. (1500’s),  some American Indians on Oregon’s coast  took Ming Dynasty Chinese porcelains and made them into projectile points. A discussion of archaeological features and cultural materials, in this case shipwrecks and artifacts, is detailed in this article webCAHO shipwreck scan++.doc 

This article was originally published in CurrentArchaeological Happenings in Oregon, a publication of the Association for Oregon Archaeologists.

Photo provided by Mark Fitzsimmons

Article:  Although the link says that it is the start of the article, this became the entire, printed article.  A pre-Clovis presence in the Willamette Valley of Western Oregon–near Portland, Oregon: Start article CAHO Clovis in the Valley

Wapato covers several site areas and gives reliable data about the environment

A mysterious population briefly lived in the area, made fired clay objects, and then disapeared.  They lived here surrounded by American Indians, and plants such as wapato, shown in the above image.  (The ceramic sculpture to the left was made between A.D. 1210-1650.)

Archaeology and climate studies come together in this description of prehistoric site environments, in  webvanc-lkRvrclimate  This article was originally published in Screenings, a publication of the Oregon Archaeological Society.

The article, International Travel in the Pleistocene, is now available online. It discusses the extinction of selected megafauna, species specific disease, climate variations, and the problems with associating humans with Pleistocene extinctions. Please see webMEGAFAUNA for discussions on these topics and others.

A predator bird with a wing span the length of a Ford van was documented in Pleistocene deposits at Woodburn, Oregon. Avian paleontologist, Dr. Kenneth Campbell, identified this animal as a new species. It was subsequently named Teratornis woodburnensis, and the details about this 12,000 year old species can be downloaded from Oregon Teratorn 2002

For breaking news on the plight of scientists who are being denied the right to study, please go to This is a non-profit, science advocacy site, dedicated to fair and honest research.


Read the complete article here: