Exploring the many periods of Hawaii’s past is a big part of these classes.  While pre-historic events often dominate these discussions, historic times are also investigated.  The area’s prehistory and history are richly detailed through archaeological features, and many are accessible, giving us a wonderful opportunity to observe physical evidence of earlier periods.  Shared with the group are examples of the diversity of the individual islands and their leaders.  The interwoven and often war fraught histories, between rulers of islands and sections of islands, are shared.  Military, agricultural, and societal aspects are discussed.  It is impossible to do this without including the involvement of Hawaii with old and new world groups.  The connection is strong between Hawaii and the Pacific Northwest, but also between the Islands and both England and Russia. All of these parts of Hawaii’s past are recognized during these travel archaeology adventures.

Ancient and more recent paths overlap, and are still used. They have linked inland sites to the sea for centuries.
Stacked and restacked walls are used as boundaries, isolating one area from another. Different uses often occur in the separated areas. Large effigy stones reside near the shore, while an older cemetery is protected by a rock wall enclosure.
A return to Ulupo Heiau (ceremonial platform) shows a structure that has now had the recent rubble removed, so the original foundation rock is exposed. Also at this site are patches of different types of taro, so visitors can see the differences in growing environments.
South Point has great prehistoric significance, as well as being important in historic times. Native Hawaiians are again building platforms and fishing here.
Exploring inland Kohala was both fun and very educational. The Kohala ditch system was begun in 1905, with crews working 24 hour days for 18th months. Crews hand drilled through solid rock and carved trails more than 1,000 feet up the cliff faces. Images provided by Historic Hawaii Foundation, via web posts
A fire hardened spear tip was observed at South Point.  Its weight and sharpened edge are impressive, despite years of weathering.
Visiting two different islands allowed us to compare, contrast, and associate people and actions from times past.